FibreGLASS – Myths & Facts

 Studies show that fibreglass dust can be dangerous, maybe as dangerous as asbestos dust. The implantation of fibreglass into the lining of the lungs of animals has caused cancer in the same way that asbestos does. Scientists now believe that asbestos causes cancer because of the physical shape of the fibre and not because of its chemical make up, This belief raises the concern that all fibrous materials could cause cancer.

What is Fibreglass?

Fibreglass is a part of group called Synthetic Mineral Fibres. Synthetic mineral fibres are fibrous inorganic substances made primarily from rock, clay, slag or glass. These fibres are classified into three general groups: (1) fibreglass (glass wool and glass filament), (2) Mineral wool (rock-wool and slag-wool), and (2) Refractory Ceramic fibres (RCF),


Fibreglass can be found in a large number of products: It’s used in vehicles bodies, vessels, insulation, fabrics, wire insulation in electronics, and replacement insulation for asbestos.

Health Hazards: A Myth or Fact?

In 1988 the Internal Agency of Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO), classified fibreglass as a possible carcinogen. However, it must be noted that there are no conclusive facts that show that it does cause cancer.

Evaluating the Exposure

Dermatitis (rash), bad itching, sore throat, painful running noses, and excessive coughing are common complaints of people exposed to fibreglass and indicate the need for additional controls. The primary routes of potential human exposure to glass wool are inhalation and dermal contact. 

Control Measures

  • Process design changes such as substitute materials and regular cleaning;
  • Engineering controls such as enclosures and exhaust ventilation;
  • Work practices such as vacuum cleaning with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filtration.
Following the above stated recommendations for handling and control of fibreglass products will help to minimize the danger and discomfort people are exposed to in using fibreglass products.


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